Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think the economy must be having some effect on Etsy sales. This time last year I was selling a lot of books on there...and I haven't really changed the way I do things...so that leads me to believe that people just aren't buying like they were last year. I was reading the forums today and it seems like a lot of other people are having the same issues. Not to mention there are now like..11 million (yes, really) items on Etsy for sale. That's a sea of crafts that my 10 or 11 are floating in.

You know, I make things...that's what I do...but selling them is not, I don't think, my forte. I don't really think it's a matter of people not liking what I sell, per se...it's that I am not a seller--I'm not business minded and I'm not very competitive at all in anything that I do. That's just my nature. I hate charging people a huge amount of money even if it is handmade...eh. I dunno. I don't really think Etsy is my niche. Or online selling, for that matter.
What that means--I don't know, really. My work isn't something I can sell in bulk, you know? There are stores around here that sell the types of things I make but they're consignment, mostly.
Maybe I should look into that again, I dunno. It's just that I get about half the money I want to make off my books at a consignment shop unless I jack the price up sky high. Eh, But maybe worth a try. There's one over in Hickory and I've had people that sell there tell me I should look into it so maybe I should.

Heh, I'm not trying to make a million dollars at this (although that would be just lovely :D). I just make things and they're something to be used by people. I can't make myself a thousand journals. But it's what I like to do. hm.
Craft conundrum.

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