Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In the spirit of Halloween

Oddly enough I haven't really been that excited about Halloween this year (other than the paranormal investigation show marathons plauging television this month). But yesterday at work there was a lot of talk about the employee pumpkin carving contest they were having and I (with the help of my coworker Billy) came up with an idea for a pumpkin I just couldn't pass up. This pumpkin was probably the most intricate pumpkin I've ever tackled. It might not look like it was...but...it was. I'm sure due to the fact that I had mostly small lines and had to use an exacto (due to the printmaker's perfectionism that I suffer from).
So my pumpkin?
Edward Cullen (yes, surprisingly I hadn't thought of carving Edward's likeness into a pumpkin before). I got a ghost pumpkin (you know, the pale/white ones) and yes, even painted it so i
t sparkles when the light's on it. I thought it was pretty funny. And just in case you're wondering---I actually happen to be a Jacob fan--so no, i'm not (completely) obsessed.;)
The last one should be captioned "The closest I'll ever get to Robert Pattinson", hah.

And of course after the pumpkin carving--i had a bunch of pumpkin left over...so I COOKED with it. First time ever using actual pumpkin in food. Realatively easy. Made a BOSS pumpkin soup and some pumpkin cream cheese spread. Got the recipes here: www.budgetbytes.blogspot.com--check it out. That blog has awesome recipes and on the cheap too. If you decide to make the pumpkin soup-- my tips would be ease up on the cayenne and add some brown sugar. :)

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