Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bucket List, Military Wives, The Resolution, and Other Thoughts

So yesterday was a pretty awesome day. I went to check out the military wives group at the church I've been going to here in El Paso. First off, the ladies seem great! There were only about 6 of us yesterday but that's fine. And the most bizarre connection happened, lol. I met Cindy, who lived in Hickory, NC  right next door to Taylorsville. Turns out...her husband was Noah's army recruiter 5 years ago. AND they have 2 corgis! What are the odds? We're going to try to hang out this weekend and let the pups play together! I'm pretty excited about that.
The group is going through and reading/studying this book called The Resolution for Women. If you've seen the movies Fireproof (which I haven't seen yet actually) and Courageous (which I recommend for anyone but especially men and especially, especially fathers/fathers-to-be) ((it's a realy awesome movie. Typically I don't make a habit of watching "religious" movies...but that one was absolutely great. I loved it and would love to watch it again in fact). Anyway. In Courageous, if you haven't seen it, these regular joe dudes, who happen to be husbands and fathers, decide that they want to change the way they do things and be the best possible fathers, husbands, members of the community that they can be. So they make a resolution with each other and sign it. I don't remember what all it says but it's pretty outstanding. I know it was just a movie but...why not implement things like that into our lives for real?

I've just been thinking a lot lately: I don't want to look back on my life at the end and wish that I had done things drastically different.

There's no such thing as "no regrets". But I think there is such a thing as incredibly satisfied. Satisfied that you've made mistakes but tried to right and learn from them. Satisfied that you loved the people in your life to the best of your ability. Satisfied that you were a good parent, wife/husband, friend. That you were honest. That you fulfilled your purpose in this life.

And it was crazy because I'd been thinking all that before I went to this group and then the very first section we went through in the book talked about being satisfied. The first point on the book's resolution list is: "I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a spirit of contentment."
...You can't tell me it's just coincidence. You know, I've been praying a lot lately. A lot, a lot. I had at least two prayers answered clearly in one day:
1)That people would be put in my path to be friends with and encourage my spiritual growth. --This group is perfect for that. Ladies who are there for the same reason I am, who want to grow spiritually and are military wives in the same position I am. And are so nice and lovely and I felt comfortable around them.
2)Help in being a better me, the best me I can be. --I mean, that's what this book is all about. And I didn't really know that going into it. I just knew it was a book study with military wives discussing God's purpose for us as women/wives/moms/friends.
It's becoming more clear to me that praying isn't just talking to the ceiling (although admittedly, sometimes it feels like it...).  It's nice to be able to see the connections and know that there's a path for me to follow, that life is more than just a string of coincidences. It's purposeful. And you are given what you need.

Also, in line with these thoughts. I'm thinking about starting a bucket list. Things that I definitely want to do, see and experience in my life. It's kind of daunting though, lol. I feel like if I make this list I'm definitely and seriously committing to those things (I hate making a to do list and not doing everything on, it kills me to not complete a to do list--thank you art school). So I dunno. It's a maybe. It would be pretty cool though.

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