It's amazing to be here :).
Mostly just getting to spend some much needed time with my wonderful husband. I can't tell you how nice it is just to be around him. He took a four day weekend and we took an awesome trip to Garmisch which has a military family resort. It was beautiful up there--right at the foot of the Alps. We drove through a little of Austria on our way to see Castle Neuschwanstein (the castle Disney modeled Cinderella's castle after).
We wanted to go to Berchtesgaden where Hitler's Eagle Nest is but it was a little too far away for this trip.
Definitely a nice weekend.
It's going to be nice when we don't have to worry about leaving each other again for more than a few weeks--that's for sure. Hopefully it won't seem like that much longer. I honestly can't wait to have a home together. People seem to be kind of discouraging lately saying "oh you're so cute now but just wait til you live together" I dunno--hearing that stuff a lot recently and it's really getting on my nerves. I know there's no such thing as "perfect", I'm not stupid. But to me saying things like that AND projecting it onto people who are happy--really happy--just means that you're not trying hard enough in your own relationship. I don't see how two people who make an effort to support and be there for each other, to work on the things that are difficult, could ever end up going down a road where they end up hating being around each other. Doesn't add up. I'm not worried about us becoming one of those couples, it's just irritating that people keep telling both of us that, you know?
Ah, but anyway.
I'm definitely enjoying my time here. I'm beyond lucky to have such a great husband and to be able to travel to all these cool places on top of that.
For my first wedding photo shoot I think I did a pretty good job. Got some really good shots. It was a beautiful afternoon and at a nice little spot with a pond. I'll post some pictures after I edit them. After shooting a wedding...I think it's safe to say I can definitely see myself doing wedding photography at some point in my life.
I still feel like there's some stuff I need to study a little more that my education didn't cover well enough :-/ but I guess part of that comes with time and experience. I'd really like to take like one more class on lighting, on location shooting and something on the business of photography--which never got covered at all during my five years of school..somehow (perhaps you can see why my opinion of university education is low...very low. And no, I didn't not-learn those things because I was partying or goofing off--I worked really hard in school...all the more reason I'm a little bitter that after I got out I realized there was still a lot I didn't know). Ah, but oh well.
In other news--the number of days between me and Germany are getting pretty slim! :D A week from tomorrow! I'm soooo excited! It's gonna be a good week. Lots to do with packing and getting ready and then a bridal shower my aunts are having for me and then I'm off!
Things are looking better finally--less than two weeks and I'll be on a plane to Germany. It'll be extremely nice to have my heart and the rest of me in the same place for a bit. Not to long after this trip and I'll be there for good (well..not "for good" but...I'll be living over there). I have a cold and it sucks. Hopefully the herbal tea I've been drinking+zicam will patch me up more quickly than it usually takes. Photographing my first wedding this weekend! Hope it goes well. One of Noah's relatives is getting married and his uncle asked if I would help him photograph. I need the experience for sure so I'm pretty excited.